Science and Research

Science and research requires knowledge and also will. It’s a process which doesn’t have a clearly defined path, requires a creative mind, individual approach and solution.

Advantages of 3D printing in science and research

Advantages of 3D printing in science

Can flexibly and quickly react to various needs of research. Using physical models without dimensional limits helps support new thoughts and research results.

Advantages of 3D printing in medicine

Science discipline – already intensely works with 3D printing and its use in the field is growing rapidly. Currently this technology has shown its value in these examples.

Real 3D model of affected body parts helps with preparing the doctor for the operation and in searching for optimal treatment.
Implants, prostheses and orthoses made-to-measure the patient. Tools are made on the basis of 3D data obtained by scanning body parts of patients.

Advantages of 3D printing in archeology

Archeology reveals the past and helps us understand it better. By making realistic replicas of items and tools from the times way back it makes it closer to us. Today using 3D scanning and 3D printing is their creation much easier, quicker and more accurate- In addition to objects, it brings major advancement in displaying models of castles.

Advantages of 3D printing in education

To gain knowledge there are many ways, but surely the best is real experience. Demonstrations and models help students better understand the given problem. Thanks to 3D printing it’s possible to flexibly and quickly react to the lectured subject by creation of special tools.

Which technology is best?

Research – It’s difficult to recommend a concrete technology, since mostly there are specific assignments and problems with individual approach.
Medicine –
inkjet powder – 3D printing from sandstone and technology FFF (ABS, PLS plastics) are the analysing body parts choice number one so far.
Archeology –
Dimensional freedom, accuracy and option of coloured design predetermine inkjet powder (sandstone) as the ideal technology for this field. Whether it’s a realistic model of architecture or an object replica.

If you’re unsure which technology to use, contact us at info(at) and we’ll gladly help you.

Where next? How to print | Print a model